Saturday, October 06, 2007


Remote,Three-dimensional Shape,Standing Out From The Crowd,Contrasts,Individuality,Running,In Front Of,Success,Speed,Business,Competition,Sport,Winning,Briefcase,isolated 3d,run running,Competitive Sport,,theI attempt to post a new blog each day over at LAB. Whether I write the post or someone else does, it's still a LOT of work.

I've been typing and mouse-clicking my wrists carpal the past week in order to not only get a post up each day this week, but also to have all my posts for next week written, illustrated, linked, tagged, and timestamped so they will be auto-published this coming week.

Now, I can sit back and enjoy my parents for the weekend knowing that my work is done. For now. I have to get back to the daily tapping again on Friday.

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