Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Ima Dorik

Since I had showered, brushed my hair, and (gasp) put makeup on today, I asked Dan to take a picture of me by the princess cake I frosted for Elli's birthday tomorrow.

Then we got a little silly and carried away.


anne said...

You are so adorable. This needs to be one of the pictures in your soon-to-be-published cookbook. ;)

Jean said...

You could TOTALLY charge $39 for that cake... :)
You did an amazing job!
Happy birthday Elli!!

Cheeky said...

I'm just laughing. Now Anne, what a great idea--I'd LOVE to write a cookbook. Hmmmmm....maybe I shall just have to do that.

Oh Jean, if you could only see all the cupcake wrappers shoved down the "skirt" to help Barbie stand up straighter, Barbie's feet sticking out of the back of the cake (the overabundance of icing that's supposed to look like a "train" on the back of her dress) and all the other wing-it, patch-ups I think I'd have to pay someone to take this cake off my hands. Thankfully Elli is too little to notice all the "oopsies".

Thanks for the kudos girls--I'm sure you'll be doing these cakes soon enough and understand all the effort!

heather said...

the cake looks amazing! I should have given you my baking dish that is perfect for barbie skirts (oh, and p.s. my sis-in-law took the legs of the barbie to shove her on top of the cake).

and that pic made me laugh out loud!

Jean said...

ahhh...but see? if you hadn't of said that, no one would ever know! :) I knew it was a train on the back and thought "how very creative"!

Barbie cake has been done here, but with a cloth Belle (barbie was waaay to expensive). her legs were tied together as she was too tall and she was shoved in the middle. Oh the things you do for your kids.. :)