Tuesday, January 08, 2008

it's so not fair

when Dan just gets to jet-set off to Orlando for a weekend to work and I have to stay home with the 3 kids.

Yes I'm being a baby. Yes I'm bitching. Yes I'm jealous. Yes I'm dreading it already. Yes I have issues. Yes, I'll get over it. But not for a while.

dammit it's so not fair.


amelia said...

And it's ok to feel that way. Maybe it will be cold while he's here. Oops, did I write that out loud? :)

Cheeky said...

I don't wish him a bad trip, I hope he has good weather and a good time. I just wish...well... this space definitely isn't big enough for all the things I wish. Thanks for letting me swear and rant and telling me it's OK rather than commenting something like, "suck it up". I just needed to vent and wallow.

amelia said...

I hear you loud and clear. I was just kidding about the weather ;) Although it was cold when we first got home last week. The first couple times Ked got to trot off to a city I'd never been to/hadn't been to in a long time I was happy for him, but I had a tough time. In fact, he's gone again today, hence my surfing the net passing the time...

heather said...

first, i LOVE that photo. :)

second, you're right - it's NOT fair. i'm wishing for you some turned tables in the years to come...

Cheeky said...

Heather--Google images. I really like it too--it definitely "says something".

Maybe DMB says it best regarding the tables...and I just need to be "...laying under the table and dreaming..."