Thursday, September 04, 2008

Growing old...GREYSfully

So, I'm sighing and rolling my eyeballs while waiting for my dawdling daughters to brush their teeth. I happen to glance at myself in the mirror--not something a busy mom has a lot of time to do often. And I think the light must be hitting my hair funny.

I lean in a little closer...adjust my locks a bit...pull a few strands out of the way...then lift one up. And there it is. I shout, "I think I just found my first grey hair!" to Dan, who laughs and says, "have you looked at my head lately...I've got lots of greys".

I decided to stop coloring my hair about a year ago. After seeing Addi's reddish-auburn hair began to wonder what my "natural" color really was.

Well, I'm all about keeping it real. And I like silver jewelry and have a pair of shiny silver Addidas sneakers, so I guess I can handle a few silky strands of silver running through my hair.

I just don't think they fit with my freckles and youthfully exuberant outlook on life.



Joy said...

I like to think of mine as free highlights.

Brian said...

Pfft ... I got my first gray at 25, so I think you're doing well.

Cheeky said...

Joy--nice. I like that. Like Stacie's cool streak on "What NOT to Wear".

B--(In response to the 'Pfft') oh, excuse you. It seems that maybe you are experiencing some other aging bodily function challenges as well? Never be too old to think fart jokes are funny.