Friday, December 05, 2008

Counting down--and maybe into single digits?

It's been a crazy past few weeks here. With an impromptu trip to Oklahoma for my 2 1/2 year old and I, then a road trip to New Jersey for my Grandfather's funeral, and coming home to snow and a huge church event, we're barely surviving and craving a whole lot of sleep. (Not to mention so thankful we are in the waiting phase rather than the paperwork phase--we have all we can handle on our plates right now.)

As I'm reading through my e-mails and trying to count all the referrals that happened while we were gone, I'm estimating that we might have moved up 2-3 spots on the list. I'm waiting for the official "place in line" from our awesome Ethiopian adoption team at our agency.

I'll post the official number when we get the word, but I'm going to guess that we are about 8th in line now. If referrals keep up at this pace, we may know what our little guy looks like in 2008. We are content in God's timing, and thrilled to see the numbers falling off like the Wal-mart price roll-back commercials. Because that means there are kids with families...and families with kids. Soul-thrilling.


heather said...

Woot woot! Welcome back! Glad to hear how fast this part of the process is going (seems like this is the dilation phase, if we're comparing it to labor :) I can't wait to see what this little guy looks like and to meet him - I can only imagine how excited you guys are!

Joy said...

Very exciting!

So, this is totally optional -- only do it if you're totally bored and really want to (not going to offend me if you don't). But I got tagged in a blog snowball fight and I'm passing it on to you. Here ya go:

thediaperdiaries said...

That is so exciting!!!