Monday, September 24, 2007

The Queen's daughter

Elli has been into princesses lately. I know! That is SO UNIQUE. No little girls play princess, right?

Anyway. Besides wanting to be called "Cinderella" (I keep trying to call her CinderElli, but she inSISTS that it is CinderELLA) and prancing around 12 hours a day in the blue princess dress a friend from church gave us, here she is pretending to be "Aurora". More commonly known as Sleeping Beauty.


Ryan said...

Grace is 100% obsessed with princesses lately. We have most of the dresses I have picked up from garage sales. It is obvious they were previously very loved by another little girl.

I used to swear my daughter would not be crazy princess girl cause I thought most of my friend's daughters were a bit obnoxious about it. Now I understand, it is something that just is what it is. I couldn't stop it if I wanted to. Which now that I have a little girl, I really love the princesses a little bit myself :)

Cheeky said...

Hey Ryan, you read this thing?

I know, I swore we would *encourage* more wholesome role models like engineers, astronauts, classical musicians, philosophers etc., but there's just no marketing for them. Sigh. What's a (tired and laissez faire) parent to do?