I was told, "you can't post that", "too much skin", "not in poor taste, but edgy".
What do you think? Have I gone too far? Have I said/pictured what everyone else was thinking but too chicken to admit? Or is this really in poor taste. I'm sure I could find a picture of the Country Crock hands touching that might be a little less skintimate?
I thought it was ok...I mean geez, not anything we haven't seen on a daytime tv commercial or billboard, right?
I like it. :)
That's what I thought too. Not that it makes it right, but I guess I was shocked that others were shocked by it.
No shock here. I thought the first picture is what everyone thinks/wants their sex life to be like. The 2nd picture is more common place, I think, in many homes (not only guys, but wives tired out too).
B/c of your review, I'm heading over to the library website and putting it on hold. I guess if it ruffles some feathers, maybe they'll go read the book and see what it's all about.
Yay Jean! It really was a good communication refresher. I love checking books out of the library. I am just a teensy weensy bit embarassed when I take out a stack of sex books...thank goodness for the self-checkout!
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