Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Effusive am not I

I am not a hugger. I am not a hand squeezer. I am not a kiss on the cheeker, air kisser, kiss blower. I am not a hand holder. I am not an encourager.

Today I initiated and gave a hug. Today I said "I want you to know that I care". Today I rubbed a shoulder and said "I think you look beautiful today."

These are so not me. That is when I know they are God in me coming out of me, and I begin to have a modicum of understanding of what "being a vessel" means.


heather said...

i have been on the receiving end [a few times] of this part that is 'not you' and i appreciate that bit of Jesus that i get from you - especially during those times.

brooke sellers said...

this makes me smile.

Cheeky said...

Brooke, I so thought of you as I used your word, "beautiful". You're good for me.

You too, Heath. You're a good piece of iron--helping smooth out some of my sharp, jagged edges.