Wednesday, September 03, 2008

One of these things is not like the other
We all decided to make 'sad faces' at lunch before taking Liam to K-garten. All except, Liam, of course. He was too excited!

He loves to pick out his outfits...

He carefully chose his own outfit, even down to the tan socks he's wearing underneath his crocs--"because I'll have to change into my gym shoes and I need socks inside of them". He's way too smart already...

Elementary home for the next 5 years!

For the next umpteen years, this will be our children's place of learning.

Long walk to the door...

He was so focused on getting to the door he almost forgot his 'specially packed back pack. Note: I was the single parent dropping my child off at the curb. All other K-gartners had entourages and camera crews escorting them from car to classroom. I had a tiny amount of guilt, but I think this was the most organic way for Liam to start school. He's not the big fuss type of kid. Ellison will be a whole other story...

She did it!

Whew. No tears. He made it all the way to the doors. I did it. I'm ok. I can go to the grocery store now...

Home on the bus...

He has three neighbor GIRLS riding the same bus home...they are taking turns sitting with him each day. I think he'll be OK on the bus. My biggest fear is assuaged.

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