having so many difficulties that you feel as if you are being attacked from every direction
I don't know why I've been feeling this way today. I don't know why I feel so attacked. There have been myriad instances where I've felt quite ready to raise the white flag, to rip off my "Kiss the cook" apron and hop in my mommy mini van, squinch my eyes shut tight and just drive away to outrun whatever it is that is beleaguering me today.
Listening to Sara McLachlan's "River" off of her Wintersong album hasn't helped this morose need-for-escapism feeling, either. Yet it seems to capture what I'm thinking and feeling today, and I've relished the artful fusion of music and lyricism that can take an emotion that feels as scratchy as a steel wool sweater on bare naked skin and make it feel like thick, warm melted cacao oozing over every prickly barb that is rasping away at my weary mind. I hope tomorrow has a better adjective than today did.
Lyrics to Sarah Mclachlan River
It’s coming on Christmas
They’re cutting down trees
They’re putting up reindeer singing songs of joy and peace
Oh I wish I had a river
I could skate away on
But it don’t snow here
It stays pretty green
I’m going to make a lot of money
And then I’m going to quit this crazy scene
Oh I wish I had a river
I could skate away on
I wish I had a river so long
Teach my feet to fly high
Oh I wish I had a river
I could skate away on
I made my baby cry
I tried hard to help me
No it wouldn’t be at ease
[ these lyrics found on http://www.completealbumlyrics.com ]
But it left me so naughty made me weak in the knees
Oh I wish I had a river
I could skate away on
But I’m so hard to handle
I’m selfish and I’m sad
Now I gone and lost the best baby that I’ve ever had
Oh I wish I had a river
I could skate away on
Oh I wish I had a river so long
I would teach my feet to fly highhh
Oh I wish I had a river
That I could skate away on
I made my baby say goodbye
It’s coming on Christmas
They’re cutting down trees
They’re putting up reindeer singing songs of joy and peace
Oh I wish I had a river
I could skate away on
beautifully written - i love what you can do with words...i feel like i'm experiencing the beleaguered feelings right along with you as you write...
i'm sorry you're feeling this way...
might be best to put Wintersong away until a better day. i had to turn it off the other day in the car because i was starting to tear up...
thanks for being open and honest about your feelings - and for embracing them. you set a good example for me...
Look - I POSTED! It's cause i switched to beta - i'm tired of being denied...
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