Thursday, December 07, 2006

dangling the key to my diary

I saw something that wasn’t meant to be seen. I’ve only told one person about what I saw, but I think maybe I should tell some other people. But I’m not really sure what will come of my telling it. So I’m still pondering whether or not to keep on keeping it to myself. I just thought that maybe putting the possibility out there of telling might help assuage my feelings of needing to tell others so I could continue to keep this one to myself.


heather said...

okay - now you HAVE to tell! maybe not on the Internet... I'll be over in a few hours ;)

Unknown said...

Wait... it was a Kinkade painting, wasn't it?

Well, I'm not sure what to tell you, other than head to your nearest priest and hope God forgives you.

Cheeky said...

I might have to make up a fictitious situation and pseudonames to tell this story.

Anonymous said...

yeah, YOU HAVE TO TELL!!! What did you see?! and why wasn't I the one you told?! :-)

anne said...

We can have a dinner-time pow-wow to discuss the proceedings...

heather said...

i just realized that you managed to evade the question last night and i never found out!

do tell...
