A: Because somebody burned her buns.
I always crack up and giggle at that one. Kinda like the "say 'hi' to your knees" or "say 'boo' to a bee" jokes. But, back to the issue at hand.
I was IMing with Jean today about making my own refried beans from scratch asking her why I would even think of attempting this while trying to entertain three kids at the same time. Her answer was simple, "because you love to cook". And she's right.
The beans are about halfway done the process. And Liam and I just whipped up a chocolate cake. Not a "add 2 eggs, 1/2 cup oil, and 1 1/3 cups water to mix" kinda cake, I mean a hardcore from scratch good ol' fashioned kinda cake.
And I do love to cook. I've always wanted to go to culinary school, and I don't know what is keeping me from living my dream--this is the twenty-something-est century, durr! I do, however, have to finish my master's in management so that when I graduate from culinary school I can immediately own and open my own restaurant--it's a simple plan.
Back to my love of food prep, presentation, and the fellowship aspects of food. Fears: no one trusts a skinny cook (I'm not really in the category of "svelt" these days, but I'm not pleasantly plump either), it takes a lot of money and time, neither of which I have any of, neglecting my family for my own selfishness, how does this further the kingdom, training--would I go to school to learn to cook and be a collossal flop? Terrible at chopping? Have no palate? No creativity? Bad sense of timing? No artistic presentation skills? Not swear well enough to command respect in a kitchen? Owning, running, and cooking in a restaurant whenever I want to isn't really a family-friendly profession, or is it? Where does all the capital for all of this to happen come in? Is this really where I'm gifted, or just my most enjoyable hobby? What about all the other things I'm good at? Writing? People skillz? Business stuff? Teaching? Just looking dang good in a suit? Organization? Bossing people around*ahem* I mean delegation?
Well, the cake smells amazing. Hooray for a brother and sister-in-law who are missionaries to the Dominican Republic and import to us vanilla negra--it ROCKS!
1 comment:
I laughed when I read your post! Just remember that you are a minority and there is plenty of small business $$$$ out there for women & business.
I LOVE to cook as well, but my thing is ... that I will try ANY recipe (the more complicated the better), but don't make me eat it!
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