Sunday, January 21, 2007


I thought I'd be really smart the other day by popping a Cheerio in my mouth and maneuvering it with my tongue all the way to the back of my jaw. I wanted to know what it felt like to "gum" a Cheerio--you know, the way Addi does every time I plunk a handful of the cereal on her high chair tray.

After positioning it just right behind my molars and between the upper and lower gums, I closed my jaw. And was in for a surprise. It was quite crunchy and didn't feel so good. I had to let my saliva soak it through a little bit before my next "bite". Still not squishy and easily gummed. A little sucking to get out the extra air and a little more saliva helped my third attempt disintegrate the pesky little bugger, but here I am a week later and my back gums are still irritated and sore.

My little experiment has served its purpose. I now understand--firsthand, or should I say firstmouth?--why teething children are cranky.

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