Sunday, February 04, 2007


Our (neighbor’s) internet has been so frustrating lately. It’s been like click… change a poopy diaper bathe and dress kids and self…click…chop vegetables for stew, mix batch of homemade muffins…click…snack time, put kids down for nap…yesssss—Yahoo mail, click…shower, dress, self-perm hair and paint nails…click Inbox…lunch, take Liam to school and grocery shop…wow, 49 e-mails, sweet…click on one from jeb…do and fold 3 loads of laundry, churn butter…nuts…it timed out. Sigh, swear (inside head—children around)…click refresh…


anne said...

Excuse me, but you're churning butter now, too? Is there anything you can't do?

Cheeky said...

Yes. I can't dance, am not artistically inclined, ski, knit, play the saxaphone, hotwire a car, rope a steer, or speak French. Other than that, I'm good to go.

Jean said...

It's those big snowflakes I tell ya.. :)

Hillary said...

well at least you're being productive! :D